AKE Inflatable -
Meet the world’s first inflatable solution for Unit Load Devices! VRR’s inflatable AKE container means you never have to leave an empty container behind again. The AKE inflatable container is a real game changer for freight carriers and express operators. This incredible ULD folds out automatically using mere air pressure in just 30 seconds (yes, you read that right) and collapses in less than two minutes.

But that's not all...
It can also be stacked seven high on the lower deck of a plane. And that is really going to help companies cut costs and increase capacity. All fleet managers suffer from headaches when relocating ULDS, so a container that can be collapsed quickly and easily, stacked in a hold or warehouse, and repositioned with ease will make life much simpler and the bottom line a lot healthier.
That's what we call a win-win
If you’re thinking the impressive space-saving measures that VRR has managed to create must have resulted in some drawbacks, think again. No concessions have been made to the weight, robustness, strength or safety of the container’s structure. What’s more, the inflatable AKE will help tackle the global air cargo imbalance on many trade lanes and reduce the pile up of empty containers in the global economy.
Is it here yet?
Unfortunately not yet. We're still working on it though and remain very positive! Whil you wait for our engineers to do their amazing jobs, have a look at below video's.
Interesting video's about the
the world's first inflatable AKE
Developing the AKE

Promotional video