We develop products that surprise, inspire and contribute to a cleaner future.

At VRR, the way we design our unit load devices is crucial to our corporate sustainability strategy. Naturally, we continue to focus on all the essential features that you know and love, such as innovation, safety, functionality and durability. However, we now also consider the overall impact of our designs on people and the environment throughout the entire product life cycle.

Our main strategic goal is to minimise the CO2 emissions that our air cargo solutions generate from cradle to grave. Therefore, in 2023, we defined sustainability standards for all our new projects. By identifying factors such as weight, waste and recyclability, we can measure a product's sustainability at every stage and know how to improve it.

2024 products goals

Sustainability standards:

  • Apply our internal sustainability standards to one product development project. Learn lessons
    from implementation and incorporate them into the standards.

  • Start an internal project group to set up an industry-wide sustainability labelling system based on VRR’s sustainability standards. Find a consensus on which direction to take the system and present the vision to the industry.


Product improvements:

  • Set a weight-reduction target for every new product design in order to minimise every ULD’s weight.


2025 Product goals

Sustainability standards:

  • Conclude sustainability labelling project and launch an industry-wide system in collaboration with air cargo partners.
  • Apply internal sustainability standards to all new and redesigned VRR products sold.

Stay up to date with our progress

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