
We are open, honest and ethical in all our dealings with every stakeholder, and we expect the same in return

Our governance policy

Governance may sound a little dry and dusty, but it is crucial to our corporate sustainability strategy. At VRR, we care deeply about our stakeholders and want to always do good by them. By maintaining our integrity in every aspect of our business, we also hope to inspire others to do the same.

Our policy is to hold ourselves and our partners to a strict set of ethical standards, promote a culture of integrity, adhere to all legal requirements, and ensure fair treatment. We also promise to communicate our sustainability efforts openly and transparently.


This year, we aim to:
  • Review all current policies and update where necessary
  • Complete our Security Policy to protect our physical and IT assets, including data, and publish internally
  • Create a second version of our Code of Conduct, including psychological safety issues, fraude and human rights section. And publish internally
  • Create a Supplier Code of Conduct and publish externally
  • Research how we can involve suppliers in pursuing our sustainability and safety policies

Sustainability Spotlight

Let our employees tell you all about what they do to reach our goals in these videos.
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Check out all our goals

Transparent reporting

Visit our sustainability reporting page to explore how we’re working hard to realign our day-to-day business practices with sustainable principles. A great place to start, is our first annual sustainability report. It sets out all our goals, initiatives, and achievements in a format that is easy to digest and visually appealing.

Mock up van sust. Report

At VRR we Inspire to Care