VRR Blog

Collapsible AAX is now fully certified
Good news! The collapsible AAX (AAXc) has been certified by EASA. Now that its...

Certified Aircraft Horse Stalls: Why Are They Your Best Choice?
Shipping horses by plane is commonplace these days. Nevertheless, choosing the...

6 Ways to Improve Air Cargo Efficiency
It’s going to be a tough year ahead for the air cargo industry, according to...

Developing a Sustainability Programme: 6 Tips from a Global Leader
VRR has always appreciated the value of knowledge sharing. How to develop a...

Cut CO2 emissions with collapsible ULDs
An illustration in reducing your carbon footprint with the latest, fully...

3 Myths Debunked about Aviation: Certified vs. Non-Certified ULDs – Part 2
In the previous article about the myths surrounding the standards of certified...

Horses on Airplanes: 9 Ways to Upgrade Their Safety and Comfort
If you’re involved with horses on airplanes, you know that it requires careful...
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Maximise fleet efficiency and ULD storage using collapsible ULDs
Our AAY and AAX ULD collapsible containers solve a very real problem facing all...

Cool Containers for Air Cargo Perishable Goods: Right Time to Invest?
If you’re a ULD manager, making sure your ULD fleet has enough of the right...

Shipping Horses by Air? How to Choose the Right Stall.
When it comes to travelling on airplanes, horses have pretty much the same...

VRR plants trees, but efforts to tackle emissions won’t stop there
VRR has recently planted trees. This was done in partnership with Trees for...

How We Guarantee the Airworthiness of ULDs
When you order a Unit Load Device, you probably look for the safest and most...
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