Sloterweg 358C
1171 VK Badhoevedorp
The Netherlands
1171 VK Badhoevedorp
The Netherlands
Car park
If you are driving, you can safely leave your car in our private car park. We have special visitor spaces just for you
At VRR we want to keep everyone safe. Our visitors are no exception. Therefore, before entering our production units, you will be asked to put on:
- Safety shoes
- A safety vest
We’ll provide these for you, though you may bring your own, of course. Optional disposable ear protection is also available.
Property protection
Because of the sensitive nature of our products, we ask all our visitors to follow these rules:
- Ask permission from your host to take photographs
- Do not touch products or equipment unless permitted by your host
Please note that tests and article inspections are carried out by authorised VRR personnel only, in accordance with approved test procedures.